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BBQ Flavored Chips

I've been doing a spot of gardening during the weekends and was reminded of how gardening has brought such great joy to my life. As I was clearing the dried leaves outside my door, it felt like just recently that I was scrambling like mad to get the house cleaned up in time for Chinese New Year. Guess what?

Yup. Those pesky ngaku (arrowhead roots) are already available at the supermarkets which means one thing and one thing only. Chinese New Year is coming!

In another 2 weeks or so, 2016 will be over. I feel that 2016 went by so fast, too fast in fact. Or is it me? Is this a sign of getting older? I will be 50 years old next year. Gawd. 50. But I still feel like I am 12. Muahahaha!! Talk about young at heart 😜

I don't really care about my age. Most of the time,  don't even think about it. In fact whenever the subject comes up (like filling up forms or some kaypoh person has the nerve to ask), I have to pause and calculate. 

So. Since I don't really care and I want to be happy, I bought some of these.

They are kind of pricey right now. I remember they were dirt cheap when I started buying them a few years ago.

And I made these. BBQ flavored ngaku chips. hee..hee..hee...

I spent a few hours in the kitchen slicing the ngaku and frying them in hot oil. While they were draining and still hot, I sprinkled them with my homemade BBQ spice rub.

Hey, these are good. Very good!

And that's it. That's my last ngaku project even before 2017 Chinese New Year begins. The last time I fried these was here and here. No more. Too much work.

So if you are having itchy butt syndrome and you encounter ngaku while out grocery shopping,  you can torture yourself in the kitchen like I did.

And while you are at it, I shall sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Crunchh...crunchhh...crunchhhh....mmmmmm......

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